Life Skills Training

We feel children need to learn more than just academics. We feel a child's character is not formed solely by manners and biblical worldview. A fully rounded child should have knowledge of practical things that come from "doing". Skills such as firearm safety, using a compass, making a fire and cooking a meal, fishing, tying knots, building things, repairing things, performing household chores, riding a bike, building forts, building a greenhouse and starting plants, and more.

Friday afternoons are dedicated to team building, martial arts, boxing, wildnerness skills for the Framers class. We have dads and men come in to work with the boys during lunch recess and Fridays.

Life skills and character building are critical components of our educational objective on the same level as academics. Children should be present
for these classes and lessons giving them equal priority. They aren’t optional electives. Parents are invited to volunteer and teach one of these at the school.


More Information


Character Building
We will teach lessons on good godly character informed by the bible. These will include topics on relationships, peer pressure, teasing and bullying, honesty, leadership in the home, impulsiveness, modesty, humility, courtesy and propriety, scheduling, punctuality, work aptitude, and more. These lessons will be taught during chapel and during time blocks in the day that lend the opportunity.

Sadly, these are things that Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts used to teach. We can no longer support those organizations.

Life Skills Categories
It is the school’s desire to teach the children life skills in addition to the academic lessons. We integrate home economics and trade skills into our program. Each of these skills we be taught on a rotating basis. At least one afternoon each week will be devoted to a life-skill.

For example…
Mechanics and Tools
Maintenance and Repairs
Sports and Teamwork
Work Skills and Aptitude
Personal Finance
Home economics
Outdoor Recreation
Camping and Wilderness Survival

Merit Recognition Badges
Badges can be earned and awarded for demonstration of proficiency in particular skills. We have a list of dozens of skills to choose from.
These can be done through the school program and independently at home with parents. Offering these badges will assist the parent in dampening out screen time at home. Families are encouraged to form groups and meet regularly on badges.

The website has downloadable copies of the badge’s skills as well as the character traits we use. [boys] [girls]

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Life Skills Training